Saturday, September 6, 2014

Any Foster Parents Out There?

I have four teen boys right now.  One of them is our adopted son, and the other three are foster children.  I try very hard to make sure that I have plenty of good food available for them at all times.  I'm trying to make healthy changes in my eating habits, and I want to be a good influence on the kids.

The hard part about instilling healthy eating habits in my kids is that I couldn't start early.  I've always heard that if you start kids out on healthy foods, they continue to make healthy choices as they get older.  That's not possible for our family.

For example, P is the oldest in the house now.  He's 18, and he's been with us for about a month.  He HATES vegetables.  I try to serve at least two vegetables every night, or at least one vegetable and a tossed salad.  Did I mention that P hates vegetables?  I made a beautiful chicken and vegetable stir-fry one night not long ago.  I included the best of the summer veggies that we'd grown and I'd purchased.  It was the best sauce that I'd made in a very long time.  I thought it was delicious.  My husband and son E thought it was delicious.  The other kids, C and I thought it was delicious.  P ate the chicken.  I think he may have had some rice, but he mostly ate chicken.

How do you teach kids with established eating habits to make healthier choices?  I hear from parents all of the time who don't really understand the situation.  There isn't much advice on the internet either.  I find that most of the articles are geared more toward parents of young children.  Sometimes I see articles and comments that almost admonish parents of teenagers for not teaching their children healthier habits way before their teenage years.  For us, that's just not possible.

Let's hear it, foster and adoptive do you teach your older kids healthier habits?

Even if you're not a foster or adoptive parent, but you have some good ideas, please comment...I'd love to hear your suggestions.

Thanks, and welcome to my world.

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